יום שבת, 8 במרץ 2014

365 SNAPS - Get ready, this is looooooooooooong :)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Cats, Unicorns, Aliens and all mgical beings of the internet and the universe,
this is your captain speaking. Please sit back in your chair with a drink, and maybe a cookie or two, and fasten your seatbelt - This is gonna be a long flight.
I present to you right here 56
days in the 365 SNAPS project. Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hey Hey!
I went downstairs to let the cat out and found these beautiful roses :)

I just had to share them with you. I love how they nearly glow in the dark!
Have a good one, Ya'll
- ♥ -


Monday, January 13, 2014

It must be lunch, lunch, lunch
It must be lunch, lunch, lunch
Nothing more, nothing less, lunch is the best!
LOL, I love crazy-paraphrasing stuff. So much fun.
- ♥ -


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I love fire
I have nothing to say
I took random pictures of a candle for all of us
I hope you had an interesting day today
I started all these sentences with I
I'mma go now


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hi everyone!
So today I have things to say :) I had a wonderful day, and I hung out with my beloved sister, and it was soooo fun 'cause she's tots awesome!
Anyway, we bought lots of French fries and ate them by the eco-pool at Rabin Square.
 And you're even getting a bonus picture! You're lucky!
I just must post the full moon. It's gorgeous.

- ♥ -


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Edit: 2 days later: I ♥ TFIOF. OKAY? OKAY... ♥
So, do you all like John Green?
Do you like his book 'The Fault In Our Stars'?

I'm just about to start reading it. I hope I'll fall in love with it like all my friends promised I would.
Wish me luck!
- ♥ -


Friday, January 17, 2014

It's Friday! My favorite day of the week! Yay!
I walked the long way home today with a pal of mine, and took these two for you:
This one really shows how the day was - super sunny and adorable. The view is, of course, Rabin Square.
This one got all messed up because the sun was really bright and I was standing in the wrong place, but I like it a lot because it has this special city vibe of the cars and the people and everything. You can almost hear the city's noise, right? I love it. So here you go.
The vibe... :)
Have an amazing weekend!
- ♥ -


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Laziness is to write one sentence and not sign. ♥


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hello All!
I was pretty sad this morning, 'cause my cousin was here for the weekend and the weekend ended.
But now I'm much better, 'cause school ended (everything does, in the end) and I found this random lemon tree in a front yard on the way home.
- ♥ -


Monday, January 20, 2014

Just a pretty picture of the palm trees in TLV :)

I love these trees, and how it's sunny almost all year round, even in mid January :) This picture makes me hopeful…
- ♥ -


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hey Hey!
Today I went to Tel Aviv's Zoological garden, and it was beautiful, as always, but also very sad. I used to spend lots of time there as a kid, and now they've stopped the funding for the garden, I guess, and everything looks unkempt and neglected and glum.
Well, anyway, here's your photo for today. And maybe a bonus picture.

- ♥ -


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I think ravens are beautiful. This is my neighbor from outside :)
- ♥ -

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Oh my, I think this is a bonus picture day as well.
Here's to some city vibe ♥ 
And YET ANOTHER random citrus tree on a neighboring street :) Kumquats! I think it's lovely.

- ♥ -


Friday, January 24, 2014

Weekend again!
La-dida-dida :) I found this awesome poster on the street today. 
 Have a good one, everyone!
- ♥ -


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dear all,
Again, book & pillow :) My favorite combo of things to do!
This book is really sweet and I really could not put it down. It's called 'The sweetness of forgetting' by Kristin Harmel.

Have a good night, y'all!
- ♥ -


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hey Everyone!
How was your weekend? Mine was pretty slow and fun… I was listening to Springsteen's 'High Hopes' over and over again. Love that album.
- ♥ -


Monday, January 27, 2014

Hi! I don't have time today! This is the prettiest thing in the house, so here you go!
 Byyyyyyyyyye lovelies!
- ♥ -


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I love tomatos. My mom loves tomatos. What happens next? We throw tomato seeds in a flower pot. A few weeks later: tomatos happen.
The rest, my darlings, is history :)
Have a great day!
- ♥ -


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Listen to this first!
Boom. You have now been bombed with Asaf Avidan & The Mojos. Great song, right? I thought so.
Isn’t it reaaaaaaaally cool that I'm allowed to write on the walls?
Goodbye lovelies!
- ♥ -


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hi all!
#CatPic :) I ♥ my cat!!!
Have an awesome day.
- ♥ -


Friday, January 31, 2014

Once again, a book on pillow :) This one is 'Walk Me Home' by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It's a good book, but I'm still processing it. Lots and lots of stuff in there. Some is tough. But I could really connect and understand the relationship between the sisters.
Read. It's good for your brain!
- ♥ -


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hey Ya'll :)
I'm soooo scary
Just a laaaaazy Saturday, after a week of work. It's so cool it's February now! I always get excited at the change of times. I made this little thing from two things I had laying around. I think it's awesomely creepy :)
- ♥ -


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hey Everyone!

So, I read this amazingly lovely book by Anne Fediman named 'Confessions of a common reader' and there's a part where she divides families into two groups: the families that can go through dinner without a dictionary, and families that can't. And tonight, my family proved, once again, that we can't. So there it is :)
- ♥ -


Monday, February 3, 2014

I have no idea what kind of beans these are, but my mom will make them for dinner tonight, and they look so pretty!
Beans and sun... :)
I had a free morning today 'cause a few classes got canceled. Yay!
Have a great day
- ♥ -


PS - they were so good!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The world is upside down and it's so gorgeous and the weather is so nice and it makes me really happy……. :)
It's February and the weather is just amazing.
- ♥ -


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hello Everyone,
Meet notebook 2!

Isn't it just lovely?
I'm gonna start writing in it now.
Have a wonderful evening!
- ♥ -



Thursday, February 6, 2014

OK, so it's a bit before midnight, and I was all tucked in my cozy little bed, and then a thought came to mind: I hadn't taken today's picture.
So I decided my favorite red chair is a devil.
Mission accomplished.
- ♥ -


Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello Ya'll!
So, I've been noticing a pattern here… I usually take foody pictures on weekends. It's not my fault! Weekends are the time when everyone sits down to eat together, so obviously, the food is more interesting.
So tonight's foody pic – MEXICAN FOOD!
I ♥ tomato salsa so much.
Bon apetite, good night and have a great weekend,
- ♥ -


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hi dears,
Today's culinary wonder – PESTO!
It's so green and so yummy :) And it's perfect with fresh bread and chease :)
Seize the weekend while it lasts!
- ♥ -


Sunday, February 9, 2014

'Cause when you have a full moon staring at you when you get out of school, you take a picture :) 
- ♥ -


Monday, February 10, 2014

Hey wonderful readers!
So today was really exhausting. Really exhausting.
And so, to make me happy, my mom peeled a blood orange for me.
Don't you love it when things turn from dull to wonderful in a heartbeat?

- ♥ -

PS - is it just me or do they really look like lips?


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Today I wanted to give you and me something gorgeous. So this is just a sweet little corner at a friend's house.
- ♥ -


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hi! Hola! Ahlan! Shalom!
Isn't this picture amazing?

I don't have a smartphone, or a fancy camera, or, obviously, instagram. Wanna see how I did it?
My sunnies!
Hahahaha creativity :)
- ♥ -


Thursday, February 13, 2014

I am sooooooooo sleeeeepy now......
But I really wanted to show you my beautifulllll new dream catcher that I got as a gift from Santa Fe, New Mexico :)
Good night!
- ♥ -

PS - I think it works well with Janis's 60's vibe :)


Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Again!
This is one of my favorite foods EVER – it's called Shakshuka, and it's eggs cooked in an amazing spicy tomato sauce. I don't cook, my No.2 sis made it :) She is an AMAZING cook. I'mma go eat now.
Bon apetite to me :)

PS – this Shakshuka totally makes up for being single on valentine's day!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chocolate chip cookies! Chocolate chip cookies!

Chocolate chip cookies!
Chocolate chip cookies!
Chocolate chip cookies!
- ♥ -


Sunday, February 16, 2014

So, I had a slow but fun day today. I went back to this book that I hadn't read in ages and it just made me smile :) If you can't see it clearly in the picture, this is 'Theater Shoes' by Noel Streatfield.
You should read it. It's a really sweet book.
- ♥ -


Monday, February 17, 2014

Is this a dagger which I see before me,
the handle toward my hand?

I went to see Macbeth tonight at the cameri theater . It was a really interesting experience – it wasn't exactly like I expected it. Some of it I enjoyed, some I didn't like, but still – the first time to watch Macbeth is a really important experience for any theater lover.
Good night!
- ♥ -


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jerusalem. It's chilly, it's old, it's messed up, but the view here is completely and totally gorgeous. Here it is, just for Ya'll.
- ♥ -


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So, yeah, funny thing about this picture....
I sorta forgot I already took a picture of this book, so I was like, yeah! Let's take a picture of the books I read this week! BTW, the one on the right is 'Struck by Lightning' By Chris Colfer, and it's a really good book. I liked it a lot :)
Good night, anyway!
- ♥ -


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Again, taking pictures at night. I'm not sure it's such a good idea doing that...
So, cat or devil?
- ♥ -


Friday, February 21, 2014

It's Friday again!
Aren't these butternut squashes gorgeous? They're gonna be baked tomorrow night, so that'll probably be my weekend set of foody pics, unless something else comes out ridiculously photogenic :)
Have a good weekend!
- ♥ -


Saturday, February 22, 2014

So OBVIOUSLY the butternut squash came out ridiculously photogenic, and even more delicious. It's so funny how I post foody pics all the time, but I never cook. D'you think I should try? Do you cook?
I guess it's a luxury of living with my family – everyone else cooks, so I don't have too :)
Hope you had a nice weekend!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

I was on the way home from school, and I just got randomly interested in the way palm leaves lay their shadow… I think it's really pretty. And I love my sunnies-filter invention, though it can be a bit of a drag to try and photograph through your sunglasses.
Well, I'm gonna go sit in the sun.
- ♥ -


Monday, February 24, 2014

Ok, so this is from the school library. I really don't know what it is with the TLV palm trees these days, but they all suddenly have something really pretty and interesting to them. Do you think they enjoy posing for me? :P
OOPS, the bell just rang. Gotta run for class!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Dear magical beings of the web,
What do ya think of my super cute hair bow? :)
I just love this thing. Haven't worn it in such a looooooong time, and now I'm so happy with the look of it :)
Have a great day!
- ♥ -


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What do you do when you're not very happy?
When you're craving something sweet in the late afternoon?
CHOCOLATE. Chocolate is always the best answer.

What do you do when the pictures of chocolate come out awful and nothing works?
Then chocolate is again the answer (eat it!).
Chocolate is music is an even better answer:
- ♥ -


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Psssst….. I found something really really special for today's picture :)
It's an Onyx stone. I found it once on a trip.
Oooooh shiny stuff :P
Ain't it pretty? :)


Friday, February 28, 2014

Foody picture of the week… Oatmeal cookie smily!
Mmmmmmm so good.
(A very happy) Nova.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hey People :)
So…. Since today was March 1, I decided no one can go through March 1 without having IceCream. Therefore, an IceCream post is coming up sometime soon. So this is just an odd teaser… I took it at the IceCream place but it came out so blurry it looks like outer space. I think it's kinda cool this way :P
Have a good week!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

I went to a play tonight, a really touching show named "Concerta of Eight" at Ha'bima theater – If you're a Hebrew speaker and in TLV, you should definitely go watch it. It's not easy, but it's good.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, When I came back it was really late, and the tree in my back yard looked like something in a Tim Burton movie, so I've got it here for you.
Sooooooo creepy :O
- ♥ -


Monday, March 3, 2014

I found my SMASHED calculator today.
I've no idea how this happened. But it's pretty cool.
Did it ever happen to you?
- ♥ -


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hahahaha I really love eggplants. They're so pretty, the color is amazing – so rich and shiny… Also, they're just tasty.
So…. Here we are, done. How do you all feel, after seeing so many silly and cool and random pictures? Still alive and well? Y'know, Carolyn Wonderland has a song like that. She is soooo GREAT. Here, have a link. Listen to her, you'll feel better :)
- ♥ -


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Haha. thought it was over? not really.
Anyway, how majestic is this amazingly huge tree? I took this pic at Yaakov garden, right behind Ha'bima theater.
Tree, you are gorgeous



Thursday, March 6, 2014

Today is so fantastically sunny. I love how the weather gets warmer and warmer. I'm a creature of the sun :)
Tired of flying

Naping in the sun
I also really love taking pictures of living creatures in the city. It's a weird sort of wild life - I mean, they're wild, but not in the wilderness. It made me think of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSg1AxVoG1I
- ♥ -


Friday, March 7, 2014

Hellooooooooo :)
Don't you looooooove my sun & stars manicure? My super-talented Ed did it for me :) I cannot do my nails, like, for my life. She can.
How was your day? Your week? I'm so happy it's the weekend again. But things are actually getting more fun and less tiring now - it's a side effect of slowly going from winter to spring :)
Have a lovely weekend!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hi all,
So it's really really early on Saturday morning, and I woke up naturally into a warm, sunny bedroom. That already made me the happiest person in the world. Then I saw this gorgeous bird on the tree outside
 and my mom making cookies
Future cookies! <3
 - and I became even happier. Ta Da!
Have a gorgeous day!
- ♥ -

Are all of you OK?!
Have I caused you some really serious brain damage with this huge post?
Well, get better soon, 'cause there's a sweet post coming up soon :)
- ♥ -