יום שבת, 11 בינואר 2014

365 Snaps (2) - Wow, it's been a while!

Monday, December 16, 2013.

Hey Everyone!
So. Ya'll are being really mysterious. Really! You're sorta driving me nuts. Every time I log on to my blog it say 'oh, yeah! You have readers, sure! In the USA, In Germany, in eastern Europe, Even in Israel!' and it shows me a map. But you girls (and/or guys – I'm just tiered of assuming everything is male until you find out it isn't, and decided to do it the other way around) Don't give any comments or reviews! I don't mind, I just really hope you enjoy reading this, and that you actually read it. Yeah.
So anyway, today I was really tiered and didn't even have time to take a decent picture, but I wanted to show you my new hat! It's actually a hat with a scarf combined, and it's super cute and I love it. And the background is my pillow, where I really want to be right now.
Hat-Scarf! <3
I hope you all had a good start of the week! Good night!
- ♥ -



Tuesday, December 17, 2013.

So, again this is right before bed, and I don't have much time. But I had a really good and interesting day today – though not easy – and I photographed 2 of my favorite quotes for you to enjoy!
In case it's hard to read them in the pic: 
Words to live by
1 – "I really figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it" (Rita Mae Brown).
2 – "One should always be a little improbable" (Oscar Wilde).
Good night!
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013.

I'm really really not feeling well today. I'm cold and shivering and really dizzy, and I don't even know why.
I tried to capture my dizziness and horrible mood, and I think it probably worked. I hope I'll think it's a nice/ good picture when I feel better.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013.

Heeeey Everyone,
I'm feeling a whole lot better today. I hope I didn't worry you or anything.
My mom made this soup for me yesterday night, because I'm not feeling really great and it's cold too, so soup is really THE THING.
It's really good. It's got potatoes and noodles and carrots and onions and 2 kinds of mushrooms in it. Have I mentioned I really like this soup?
Anyway, it's really photogenic, so here you girls go.

Do you like soup? What kind of soup do you like? I just love any kind of soup, really. Especially when it's cold :)
Have a good day everyone!
- ♥ -


Friday, December 20, 2013.

Hey Darlings!
It's Friday again, and as you all know, everything gets instantly better when it's Friday. And for today's picture….. PARCHISI! We played this afternoon, and it was really fun :)
I also really love this game because its design is so pretty and colorful and that is why you're all getting a pic:

And a bonus pic:
Have a great weekend!
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Saturday, December 21, 2013.

Hi :)

So this is something that a friend of mine drew. It's hung on the wall in my room, and it totally summarizes the feeling of Saturday night when you have school the next morning.
And with that – good night!
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Sunday, December 22, 2013.

Hey lovely readers!
School, school, school. That's my school bag right here.

Gotta go! Have a wonderful day!
- ♥ -


Monday, December 23, 2013

Hi everyone!
So, I just came back from the first meeting of a WRITING WORKSHOP that I'm getting at school, and it was really fun and exciting :) We we're talking about words we like, so I took a picture of a word I really like
This word is tots adorbs!

- ♥ -


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Heeeeeeeeey my darlings!
I'm in a really happy mood right now. Like, silly happy. I just got back from buying a b-day present for my sis, who's gonna be a sweeeeet 16 tomorrow, with my other younger sis! :) And we bought some perfect stuff and she will LOVE IT! I hope.
Anyway, that was a great excuse for some night photography, so this first pic is just a macro of a flower in the eco-pond near city hall. It's a gorgeous thing, that eco-pond, which is good 'cause the city hall is awfully ugly.

And you girls (and guys) are getting a bonus pic by my beloved sis! This is the fountain by Yaakov Agam at Dizengof square, which I love. And as you can see, it's especially gorgeous at night :)
I love this place
So, to all my Christian readers – Merry Christmas!!! And to all who are not Christian (I'm not) – Have a great night and a great day tomorrow!
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013.

Hey Ya'll!
It's my sister's sweet 16!!!
So I went out at 06:30 am to buy her a breakfast chocolate croissant, and took this gorgeous thing waiting for the light to change on the boulevard, on the way back :)
Again, to all who celebrate – Merry Christmas!!! And to all who don't – Have a great day!

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hey people :)
So today, on my way to school, I saw a whole pine tree lying on the sidewalk. Someone decided to cut it down and I thought it was pretty sad. Anyway, I was in a hurry for class, but I broke off one of the branches and took it with me. I smelled amazing and it was pretty. I don't know, there was something special to it.

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Friday, December 27, 2013.

Hello darlings!
Friday afternoon. It's cold outside but warm in here. And I'm too lazy to do anything serious, so here's a picture of my feet in slipper-socks. 
Nice & warm :)
Have a great weekend!
- ♥ -


Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's a beautiful (cold) and sunny Saturday, and I found this growing in my mom's flowerpot out on the porch. It's not a flower, but it's gorgeous :)
Ceci n'est pas une fleur

- ♥ -


Sunday, December 29, 2013

(That's 'hi' in Dutch).
So today was Sunday, and you wouldn't like Sundays either if you'd start them with being in class at 07:30 am. And today I had an exam, which is all the worse. UGH.
But hey, it get's better! We're playing cards :)

Oh look, I won! Gin Rummy!

- ♥ -


Monday, December 30, 2013

It's raining!!!
I love it when it rains. I love it so much, I don't even mind getting home soaked because I was dressed really lightly and just had to take a loooooong walk to take pictures of everything that's pretty in the rain.

When it Rain, Rain, Rains.... <3

(I know it's not a happy song, but I like it and I love Mika too).
I love you all!


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hey Ya'll
Sometimes, after a bad day, what you need is a bowl of soup,
So here you go.



Wednesday, January 1, 2014.

Hey Lovelies,
D'you know that feeling, when you feel like you're on the run all the time, and never have enough time?
So today's just been one of those days.

Yes, this is a marker. On the wall. In my room.
Life is like a baseball game: You run and you run and you feel extremely accomplished when finally you're SAFE.
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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Hey everyone!
I took this on the way back from school today.

I don't have much to say, But I hope ya'll had (or are still having) a wonderful day!
- ♥ -


Friday, January 03, 2014

Hey everyone :)
So a friend of mine is here for the weekend...
We sat around in the kitchen...
And I found this cool seed today and started playing around with it and my sisters glove and the macro just happened :P LOL!



Saturday, January 04, 2014

So my friend E, who's here for the weekend, made this amazing chocolate soufflé (I just did minor things, messed stuff up and 'entertained the cook' – I'm more of an eater myself) and I thought, BA BAM, snap of the day. I promise you, it's even tastier than it looks! And it even has vanilla IceCream on the side :)



Sunday, January 05, 2014

Hello lovely readers of earth and beyond!
I am so energized right now you will not believe it! I stopped at a paper goods store and bought a new notebook. And when I have a new, gorgeous notebook, my life gets instantly better :)
I haven't even opened the wrapping yet – It's so gorgeous I don't want to ruin it. So today's shot of the day will be called 'notebook 1', and keep an eye out for no. 2!
The place is called Papier, BTW :) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.615734681800203.1073741827.123949880978688&type=3

Alright, I gotta go.
- ♥ -


Monday, January 06, 2014

So this is just a quick pic…

The photograph in the pic was taken by my friend, and it's from the port right here in Tel Aviv. The quote on the wall is from this song :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3Gb5mkwTc
I'm so exhausted…
Good night!


Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Hellooooo girls and guys :)
I did a little experiment with light, basically took pics of street lights in the rain to see how the light looks.
So this is a picture from today – Not rainy.

And this is a picture from December 30th – rainy, and I think a bit cooler.
What do you all think?? Comment and tell me!
- ♥ -


Wednesday, January 08, 2014

So today, apparently is a cat pic sort of day.
I love you, chair!

I love you readers at least as much as my cat loves that chair, I swear.
Good night!


Thursday, January 09, 2014

H everyone,
My friend Mish hopped over and brought me a notebook from Muji, and this is my favorite hair accessory :) Guess this would be notebook 0.5?
Hang in there, everyone, the weekend is nearly here!

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Heeeeeeeeeeey Ya'll!
A Janis Joplin poster! I really love her. I got it for my last birthday.

I  totally cannot wait for my b-day. Do you like your b-day? How do you celebrate your b-days? *Randomly curious*.
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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hello people (or aliens, or animals... I don't discriminate)!
Just a little green and some Joni Mitchell for you and me :) 
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יום רביעי, 1 בינואר 2014

New year's IceCream! :)

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames e Messieurs, Meine Damen und Herren,
The year of 2014 is here! Happy New Year!

How did ya'll celebrate? I hope you had a wonderful night :)
Being the person I am – not too good with time and all that – I didn't make any plans, and then yesterday afternoon I realized it's new year's eve and I'm sitting at home, minding my business and doing not-much while everyone is out partying. So of course, I got the blues for a few hours.

And then, I got off the computer and convinced my mom to go for "a short stroll" with me, "just to get in the spirit" (bless her, she's always willing to go with my craziness).
And out we went. We went looking for inspiration and found...... IceCream! (Or actually, frozen yogurt). It was freezing outside, and I claimed a new year without IceCream is unworthy. So we headed to Heidi's, (Here's their website: http://www.rol.co.il/sites/heidis/ ), and while I was outside, photographing the sign,  she went in and chatted with the very sweet girl at the counter, and tasted some coconut frozen yogurt. When I finally went in, I tasted a spoonful of that (it was great) and a bit more of the strawberry-cheesecake flavor (it's pink!) and decided on the latter :) And I received the best, most beautiful serving of frozen yogurt ever made, as you can see here:

It contains strawberry-cheesecake yogurt, mini marshmallows, a few gummy bears (love those!) fresh strawberries (they were so good), pieces of white chocolate, Oreo cookies (!!) and "just a drizzle" of chocolate sauce :) Isn't it gorgeous?

The girl also had some really cool nail art, and was pretty cool in general, so of course I had to take pictures:

And finally… I just love how colorful and joyful things get in IceCream shops. You step in and you automatically feel a smile spreading on your face. I hope you can catch that vibe online as well :)

Wishing you all a new year as sweet as this!


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